Building APIs to integrate disparate applications

As businesses grow and develop, the IT infrastructure becomes more complex and requires disparate applications and platforms working together. With existing infrastructure complexities, enterprises struggle with a lack of real-time data and decision-making -- further hindering their growth.

ProArch Technologies provides the best and most cost-effective application integration services to process data and streamline operations across the entire IT landscape. We build a new business ecosystem to process the scattered data and establish a single source of truth to help you make timely decisions. Our customized APIs will give you the power to derive process efficiency and system interoperability across multiple endpoints.

Our Services

Data integration services

Data is the key to making timely decisions and improving process efficiency. Our data integration services consolidate data that is being generated across your enterprise and ensure security.

API integration services

Our custom-built APIs integrate separate platforms and processes and add web service functionalities to synchronize data formats across applications.

Business application integration

Our business application integration services integrate mission-critical applications like ERP, accounting, customer relationship, and business intelligence to ensure business continuity and growth.

SOA-based integration

We can transform your system into a set of loosely coupled, easily scalable, and reusable components for optimized performance and web service interoperability.

Benefits of application integration

  • Effective collaboration with partners, customers, and vendors.
  • Cost reduced by integrating and upgrading instead of software replacement.
  • Synchronized data across all business applications and for all users.
  • A unified IT architecture that supports optimal performance across all technology platforms.
  • Reusable SOA solutions reduce overall development costs.
  • Regular upgrades will make your applications and infrastructure more flexible and secure.

Problems we solve

  • Lack of real-time data
  • Poor workforce productivity
  • Rising IT development and management costs
  • No tech resilience to meet the ongoing market demands

Our integrations

We offer end-to-end application integration services including

  • NetSuite integration
  • AWS integration
  • Salesforce integration
  • ServiceNow integration
  • Dell Boomi Integration
  • Mulesoft Integration

Stay ahead of the league with the best application integration services now.

Let's discuss your integration requirements.